Books · Memoirs of a Mummy

DIY Cardboard Bookcase

This is Aki’s forward-facing bookshelf. Isn’t it nice?

I read somewhere that these kinds of bookshelves encourage kids to read. So true! Aside from providing a lot of reading materials, we can encourage a love for books by making them accessible to our little ones. Kids choose which books to read by checking out the covers. If they only see a row of spines of books, it is not as enticing and exciting for them than when they go thru each cover.

I love this bookshelf but it can no longer hold all the books in our collection. Aside from the books in the picture above, we have a lot more scattered all over the house. Even the guest room slash Japanese room slash maid’s room slash toy bodega has children’s books. And another thing, since the bookshelf is light and is not attached to the wall, Aki can easily push it down. When Aki tries to get one of the books on the back, all the books end up on the floor! And so, this cute bookshelf was demoted to the first floor playroom. It now holds around 12 books only. I am happy to report that Aki started putting back his books after we transferred the bookshelf.  Nice!

For the other books, I made bookcases out of cardboard boxes.

First, draw and cut the pattern.

Trace it on the box. Then, cut.

Fold the cover in the middle. Trace the pattern. Cut, cut, again. Don’t cut all the way thru. The cover should still be one piece.

Fold the cover in the middle again and put it inside the box. This will serve as a divider.

And voila! Instant bookcase in 3 minutes for zero point zero zero zero pesos! Aki can still browse thru the covers but this time no more scattered books all over the room.

Will show how it fits into Aki’s room in one of my next posts.

10 thoughts on “DIY Cardboard Bookcase

  1. Just discovered your blog and I’m loving it!

    How did you do the letters? I’ve been wanting to make one for my little one but haven’t seen an easy enough DIY tutorial.


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